K u n a k icontact us         XML Web Service for CD / DVD Manufacturing and FulFillment

XML Web Service for CD / DVD Manufacturing and FulFillment
The XML Web service is an alternative to the product sales pages and allows distributers and publishers to send CD / DVD manufacturing and fulfillment orders to our manufacturing and fulfillment facility.

The XML service is for customers with significant order flows and an ability to accept credit card orders and handle customer service.

We provide you with a real time accounting system that details each order with product id, quantity, date, and recipient with address.

All XML orders are designated as pending until payment is made. You can login to your kunaki account and pay for all pending orders with your credit card or with Paypal. Once payment is made your pending orders are processed and shipped. You can also fund your account by prepaying with a credit card and if there is a sufficient balance in your account subsequent orders will be processed and shipped immediately.

The price is $1.00/unit plus the shipping costs for orders of 5 units or less to the same address. There are no minimums and no setup fees. We do not offer quantity discounts, sales commissions, or special arrangements.

You do not require special permission or special software to use our XML web service. If you understand how to send XML requests over the internet you can start today.

Please read the documentation below. It contains all the information you need.

There are three types of requests you can make:

  • Retrieve a list of shipping options for a particular order and address. You send a list of products with quantities, country, state, and zip code. Our service will respond with a list of shipping options, estimated delivery times, and shipping costs for the order.
  • Send an order to manufacture and fulfill. You send the name of the recipient and address, the desired shipping mode, the product ids and quantities. Our service will respond with an order id.
  • Retrieve the order status for an order id. You send an order id and our service will respond with an order status that lets you track the order. If the order is shipped with UPS or Fedex you also receive a shipping tracking number.

Please review this sales page to review how the three steps are used to implement an order from the customer's perspective.

The XML service cannot be used to publish new titles. It is only used to send manufacture/fulfill requests to our factory. You publish titles using our publishing software that is available at https://Kunaki.com.

All XML requests should be transmitted to:

  • non-secure transmission: https://Kunaki.com/XMLService.ASP
  • secure transmission:    https://Kunaki.com/XMLService.ASP

Step 1. Kunaki XML Service -- Get shipping options for a prospective order
Description:For each prospective order you should first get the shipping options for the order and either select an option on behalf of the customer or let the customer select from the list of options returned by the service. Shipping options vary by country, region and size of the order. For example, orders outside the United States are delivered by Air Mail while orders within the United States are delivered by First Class Mail, UPS Ground, or Fedex depending on the size and nature of the order. Our XML service will automatically compute the shipping costs for each option depending on the destination and size/weight of the order.
Example:You send an XML request for shipping options:

< ShippingOptions >

   < Country > United States < /Country >
   < State_Province > NY < /State_Province >
   < PostalCode > 10004 < /PostalCode >

   < Product >
       < ProductId > XZZ1111111 < /ProductId >
       < Quantity > 2 < /Quantity >
   < /Product >

   < Product >
       < ProductId > PXZZ111112 < /ProductId >
       < Quantity > 3 < /Quantity >
   < /Product >

< /ShippingOptions>
Tags:Tags used to request shipping options for a prospective order.
ShippingOptionsThe root element tag requesting the shipping options for a prospective order.
CountryThe recipient's country. Select a country from the list below. For the USA use "United States".
State_ProvinceFor states and provinces in the United States and Canada use the two-character abbreviation. For countries other than USA and Canada you can leave this element blank.
PostalCodeThe recipient's zip or postal code.
ProductThe product list tag. Contains a list of Productids and quantities as in the example above.
ProductIdThe Product's 10-character Product Id. Each product published by Kunaki has a unique Product Id.
QuantityThe quantity of this product.
Example:You receive the XML response for shipping options:

< Response >

   < ErrorCode > 0 < /ErrorCode >
   < ErrorText > success < /ErrorText >

   < Option >
       < Description > USPS First Class Mail < /Description >
       < DeliveryTime > 2-5 days < /DeliveryTime >
       < Price > 1.29 < /Price >
   < /Option >

   < Option >
       < Description > UPS Ground < /Description> >
       < DeliveryTime > 2-4 days < /DeliveryTime >
       < Price > 7.90 < /Price >
   < /Option >

   < Option >
       < Description > Fedex guaranteed 3-day < /Description> >
       < DeliveryTime > 3 days < /DeliveryTime >
       < Price > 8.24 < /Price >
   < /Option >

< Response >
Tags:Tags used to in the XML response to shipping options for a prospective order.
ResponseThis is the root element tag for the response.
ErrorCode 0 - success
100 - invalid XML syntax
1 - request formatted incorrectly
2 - country element is missing
3 - country element is not valid
4 - State_Province element is missing
5 - State_Province element is not valid
6 - PostalCode element is missing
7 - PostalCode element is not valid
8 - ProductId element is missing
9 - ProductId element is not valid
10 - Quantity element is missing
11 - Quantity element is not valid
ErrorTextThe error described. See ErrorCode.
OptionDelimits a shipping option.
DescriptionDelivery option description. (E.g., "USPS First Class Mail", "UPS Ground")
DeliveryTimeEstimated delivery time for this shipping option. (E.g., "2-5 days")
PriceThe price of shipping with this option. (This is the price of shipping only)
Step 2. Kunaki XML Service -- Request to manufacture and fulfill an order.
Description:You can place different products into the same order. An order is defined as one destination address. Each order accepted by our XML service will be billed to you at a rate of $1.00/unit plus shipping costs as described in Step 1 above. For each successfully accepted order, the XML service will respond with a unique Order Id that can be used in Step 3 below to retrieve the status and tracking of the order.
Example:You send an XML request for manufacturing and fulfillment

< Order >

   < UserId > SantaClaus@Northpole.com < /UserId >
   < Password > Rednose < /Password >
   < Mode > Live < /Mode >
   < Name > John Smith < /Name >
   < Company > Smith Enterprises < /Company >
   < Address1 > 215 Maple Street < /Address1 >
   < Address2 > Room 134 < /Address2 >
   < City > New York < /City >
   < State_Province > NY < /State_Province >
   < PostalCode > 10004 < /PostalCode >
   < Country > United States < /Country >
   < ShippingDescription > USPS First Class Mail < /ShippingDescription >

   < Product >
       < ProductId > PXZZ111111 < /ProductId >
       < Quantity > 2 < /Quantity >
   < /Product >

   < Product >
       < ProductId > PXZZ111112 < /ProductId >
       < Quantity > 3 < /Quantity >
   < /Product >

< /Order>
Tags:Tags to send a manufacturing and fulfillment order.
OrderThe root element tag requesting a manufacturing and fulfillment order.
UserIdThe publisher's user id -- usually an email address.
PasswordThe publisher's password.
ModeThis element is equal to LIVE or TEST.
NameThe recipient's name.
CompanyThe recipient's company or organization name. This element can be left empty.
Address1The recipient's street address.
Address2The recipient's secondary address. (E.g., Apt number) This element can be left empty.
CityThe recipient's city.
State_ProvinceThe recipient's state or province. If the Country is United States or Canada this element must be a two character abbreviation. Otherwise it can be left blank.
PostalCodeThe recipient's zip or postal code.
CountryThe recipient's country. Select a country from the list below. For the USA use "United States".
ShippingDescriptionThe shipping description selected from the options retrieved in Step 1.
State_ProvinceFor states and provinces in the United States and Canada use the two-character abbreviation. For countries other than USA and Canada you can leave this element blank.
Postal_CodeThe recipient's postal code.
ProductThe product list tag. Contains a list of Productids and quantities as in the example above.
ProductIdThe Product's 10-character Product Id. Each product published by Kunaki has a unique Product Id.
QuantityThe quantity of this product.
Example:You receive the XML response for a manufacturing and fulfillment order.

< Response >

   < ErrorCode > 0 < /ErrorCode >
   < ErrorText > success < /ErrorText >
   < OrderId > 567129 < /OrderId >

< Response >
Tags:Tags used in the XML response for a manufacturing and fulfillment order.
ResponseThis is the root element tag for the response.
ErrorCode 0 - success
100 - invalid XML syntax
1 - request formatted incorrectly
2 - country element is missing
3 - country element is not valid
4 - State_Province element is missing
5 - State_Province element is not valid
6 - PostalCode element is missing
7 - PostalCode element is not valid
8 - ProductId element is missing
9 - ProductId element is not valid
10 - Quantity element is missing
11 - Quantity element is not valid
12 - UserId and or password is not valid
13 - Mode is not valid
14 - Recipient's name is missing
15 - Recipient's street address (Address1) is missing
16 - Recipient's City is missing
17 - ShippingDescription element is missing

ErrorTextThe error described. See ErrorCode.
OrderIdA unique Order Id that is used to track the manufacturing status and delivery.

Step 3. Kunaki XML Service -- Request for an order status
Description:You can get the status of a previously placed order. The status will contain the manuacturing, delivery status, and a shipping tracking id if the order is delivered with a trackable shipping option (E.g., UPS, Fedex). There is one XML request per order id.
Example:You send an XML request for order status:

< OrderStatus >

   < UserId > SantaClaus@Northpole.com < /UserId >
   < Password > Rednose < /Password >
   < OrderId > 567129 < /OrderId >

< /OrderStatus >
Tags:Tags to send an order status request.
OrderStatusThe root element tag requesting an order status.
UserIdThe publisher's user id
PasswordThe publisher's password
OrderIdThe order id received in step 2.
Example:You receive the XML response for an order status.

< Response >

   < ErrorCode > 0 < /ErrorCode >
   < ErrorText > success < /ErrorText >
   < OrderId > 567129 < /OrderId >
   < OrderStatus > processing < /OrderStatus >
   < TrackingType > Fedex < /TrackingType >
   < TrackingId > XIU897Z9876 < /TrackingId >

< Response >
Tags:Tags used in the XML response for an order status request.
ResponseThis is the root element tag for the response.
ErrorCode 0 - success
100 - invalid XML syntax
1 - request formatted incorrectly
12 - UserId and or password is not valid
20 - Order Id element is missing
21 - Order Id is not valid
ErrorTextThe error described. See ErrorCode.
OrderIdThe unique Order Id that associated with the order status.
OrderStatusManufacturing and fulfillment status. (APPROVED, DECLINED, PENDING, PROCESSING, SHIPPED)
TrackingTypeIf the order is shipped with a trackable delivery service it will state the delivery service (UPS, Fedex). If the order is delivered with a non-trackable service then this element will be 'NA'
TrackingIdIf the element for TrackingId is not equal to 'NA' then this element contains the proprietary tracking id.
Product displays to facilitate retailing of your products.
For each product our publishing system automatically generates JPEG images of the front, back, spine, inside-left, inside-right, and small box-shot. You retrieve these images with the following urls, where XXXXXXXXXX is replaced with the Product Id
  fronthttps://kunaki.com/ProductImage.ASP?T=I&ST=FO&PID=XXXXXXXXXX example
  backhttps://kunaki.com/ProductImage.ASP?T=I&ST=BO&PID=XXXXXXXXXX example
  f-spinehttps://kunaki.com/ProductImage.ASP?T=I&ST=FS&PID=XXXXXXXXXX example
  b-spinehttps://kunaki.com/ProductImage.ASP?T=I&ST=BS&PID=XXXXXXXXXX example
  left insidehttps://kunaki.com/ProductImage.ASP?T=I&ST=LI&PID=XXXXXXXXXX example
  right insidehttps://kunaki.com/ProductImage.ASP?T=I&ST=RI&PID=XXXXXXXXXX example
  box shothttps://kunaki.com/ProductImage.ASP?T=I&ST=BX&PID=XXXXXXXXXX example
Use these country names in your XML requests.
Czech Republic
Hong Kong
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Vatican City